Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Baby Weekend

It has been a really busy past couple of weeks! We are turning what was the office into our baby room... finally! Two weekends ago Erik and I bought about 8 different paint samples and tried to pick a color. Do you know how hard it is to pick a color from a small patch on the wall?!? Ater lots of back and forth we finally chose this lovely green and Erik got down to work. My sweet hubby painted the whole thing all by himself! I only helped with the taping :)

During the week, our crib and dresser were delivered and then Erik and I put together a giant store cube thing that we bought at Ikea.

My parents came in town last weekend to help with baby room stuff and to come to the Baby BBQ that my in-laws threw for us. I dragged my parents around to just about every baby store in the city! We bought a rug, curtains, canvas storage boxes for our storage cube, and all kinds of other random baby stuff that we apparently need. Geez, babies need lots of stuff! But I finally feel like we are making some progress towards getting ready for baby. Only 8 weeks to go!

Dad and Erik smiling after successfully putting up the curtains!

We still need stuff for the walls but its coming along.

The giant storage cube! It still needs a bit of organizing!

On Saturday night, we had a Baby BBQ at Erik's parents house. Nancy did a fantastic job putting it all together. The carne asada was fantastic, excellently bbq'ed by Gordon. There were lots of family and friends there and I think everyone had a great time. Thanks to everyone who was able to be there and a BIG thanks to Nancy and Gordon for the party!

Sunday morning Erik and my parents and I had breakfast in PB at World Famous and then spend a little time walking on the beach. I still sometimes find it hard to believe that I live in such a gorgeous place. Anybody want to go to the beach?

Hanging out with my parents at the beach.

32 weeks!


Chris and Jill said...

Hi Mae! The baby room looks AWESOME :-) As do you sweet friend! I'm so sad we weren't able to make it to San Diego for the BBQ but just treasured the time I got to spend with you in July at your Dallas shower :-) So excited about meeting your baby girl in just a few weeks!

Melody said...

I love the baby room!!! It is really coming along! It looks like y'all had a wonderful weekend. I love the beach shot of you and Erik - you look so beautiful with your baby belly.

Annie and Jeremy said...

Awww, what a cute room! GREAT job!!! :) 8 weeks? Wow, time is flying!!! :)